Break Up Warning Signs, How to Prevent a Breakup Before it Happens?

In order to prevent a break up before it happens, you need to know its signs, there are many signs that will tell you a break up is coming, and you might employ these signs as an early alarm system for your relationship. In the defense army, there are always early defense systems that can give a hint whether an attack is coming soon or not, if this system fails to operate, a country is vulnerable to any attack. 

How to Prevent Breakups

Break Up Warning Signs, How to Avoid a Breakup before it happens?

To build immunity for your relationship or marriage, you need to identify the break up warning signs and work on undoing them as soon as possible. Now let us come to the biggest, yet most overlooked break up signs you should prevent at any cost

  1. When you confront your partner, s/he gets very defensive and claims you are the one who made it wrong.
  2. During the confrontation, your partner accuses you of having no trust in him/her.
  3. When you confront your partner about any valid issue, s/he gets angry. 

You still have some doubts that the problem was not resolved yet even after a confrontation is over. If more than one of these signs happened with you, you are more likely to be having deep problems in your relationship. You might be on the verge of a breakup. Is it possible that couples can reverse the effect of these signs and rebuild their relationship even stronger than before? Yes, and it happens all the time, in order to do that you need to build trust in the relationship.

you need to build trust in the relationship

Unfortunately, people usually neglect the break up signs and continue their lives without any change. One day when a break up happens they are going to be shocked and start asking themselves why the break up happened. The only solution for this is to keep the communication between you and your partner. 

Rebuild trust

 make activities with your partner from time to time, talk too much about your problems and hopes for the future. Do not take your partner for granted, people usually does not recognize the value of their partners unless they have lost them. By being open and honest with your partner you will be able to prevent a possible break up even if there were strong break up warning signs.

What matters here is what you do after discovering those signs, neglecting them will only make things worse. Now you have identified the problem, you need to work on gaining the trust of your partner, and if both of you were honest and willing to continue the relationship, you will resolve all the problems and rebuild a stronger basis of love and trust.

How to Prevent Breakups

Breaking up is hard when you are still in love. Breakups occur when a couple is unable to work through or minimize problems in the relationship, even if they love each other. When you feel that a breakup is pending and you want to avoid the heartbreak by keeping the relationship together, you can work on getting your relationship back on track and prevent the breakup.


1 - Look over the problems in the relationship 

The problems might include distrust for each other, lack of communication, religious differences, interference from outside individuals, social pressures, inability to compromise, stress or even just basic differences in your personalities.


2 - Work on minimizing the problems

 While some problems, such as any emotional baggage you might carry from your past, are not possible to change, issues like lacking communication, interference, compromise or stress can be minimized. Spend time each day talking to your significant other to improve communication and understanding. To lower your significant other's stress levels, offer a massage or draw up a warm bubble bath. Little gestures to lower stress and spending time working through problems via communication will go a long way in improving the relationship.


3 - Flirt with your significant other

According to Marius Panzarella,  attraction is a key factor in preventing a breakup. He suggests that if your significant other's attraction to you is stronger than all of the negative factors affecting your relationship, your significant other will not break up with you. Flirting can help keep attraction levels high, especially in longer-term relationships where the attraction might start to flag.


4 - Give your significant other compliments

 Compliments not only let her know you are still attracted, but it makes her feel special, loved and attractive to you. This will help keep your relationship alive.


5 - See a therapist

If you and your significant other are both trying to work it out and want to stay together, seeing a therapist can help you determine what you need to do to get the relationship back on track. If talking, flirting and spending time together is not enough, sometimes you need to bring in outside help. A relationship therapist can often help, especially for those with baggage that causes problems or for those with completely opposite personalities who are simply not able to communicate effectively.

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