Learn how to cope with a breakup

How to Handle a Breakup Gracefully

A key to a graceful breakup involves maintaining an overall positive attitude.

Breakups are tough and sometimes inevitable. Regardless of whether you are the one being dumped or the one doing the dumping, breaking up is difficult. But how you handle a breakup says a lot about you. It is important to handle a breakup gracefully. If you handle it properly, you will be able to get over the breakup quickly and will also preserve any relationships associated with it.

Learn how to cope with a breakup


1 - Act mature and break up in a proper manner

Do not break up with someone through email, text messages and instant messages. If you are the one ending the relationship, be kind and tell the person face-to-face. If you are the one getting dumped, stay positive and listen to why the person is breaking up with you. Most of the time, breakups occur because the relationship is coming to a gradual end and neither partner is at fault.

2 - Surround yourself with friends and family and keep a positive attitude

Make plans with friends and avoid staying alone and wallowing in self pity.

3 - Do things you enjoy, such as physical activities or hobbies

Keeping yourself occupied is necessary to get over your breakup. Maintain a schedule and do not ignore your day-to-day activities.

4 - Talk or write about your feelings

This is important if someone broke up with you. Do not trash-talk about your former partner but talking to a close friend or writing in a journal about your feeling can help you evaluate your feelings. This might lead to discovering a reasonable explanation for the end of the relationship. 

5 - Find a new hobby or activity

such as skydiving or traveling someplace you've never been to before; this may invigorate you and help with your self esteem. Maintaining a positive attitude involves taking care of yourself physically as well. Do not overindulge in sweets or fast food. Instead, release stress by exercising, such as walking, hiking, swimming or an organized sport, such as volleyball or basketball.

Learn how to cope with a breakup

Handling a breakup involves coping with the pride and hurt of not being wanted. we're going to be honing our relationship skills and we're going to be learning about how to handle "The Breakup", not the movie but actually a relationship breakup.

What actually is the best way to handle a breakup

Well, you really need to be in the position to understand what's happen and be able to move on, have that mentality. But there are really too key issues, you're going to have to deal with the pride and hurt and then you're going to have to deal with avoid in your life. 

Dealing with the pride and hurt is something that can be tough for a lot of people because you need to take an inventory of yourself, your relationship skills and who you are as an individual and if you do that, you may come to find that there's some relationship skills or elements of your personality that may have contributed to the breakup. 

And therefore, you really need to learn, build yourself up, educate yourself so that you really understand this relationship fundamentals. I would suggest, possibly taking a workshop or measure, marriage education class.

What you're going to do with the Friday night or Saturday night

 So once you deal with the relationship skills and you've got a good inventory, then there's the key question of dealing with "avoid" in your life. What you're going to do with the Friday night date, that Saturday night date that you used to enjoy so much, the time that you spent together. 

Deal with somebody whose going to be supportive

Take that time, spend it with your family Spend it with your friends. Deal with somebody whose going to be supportive. Or, you may want to take some time by yourself; attending a theater or shows, just doing some introspective work. But the key is, you really need to have a mind set of, even though there's a proper time for grieving, there's a time for you to move on and also moving on implies growth, development and that's where the education and building yourself up and building your skills are really, really key. 

Join associations

The other things you can do is join associations or professional associations, there's club associations, all places where you might be able to meet somebody with common interest, either sporting, in the sporting community, a theater, or civic associations or even volunteering your time for, with a local hospital or something like that. 

You need to feel good about yourself

We can do some goodness in the community, help yourself, help others but also build up your skills and your relationship skills. You need to feel good about yourself and feel confident because if all you're thinking of is negative aspects of the relationship breakup, you're not going to feel confident about approaching somebody, engaging with somebody and building a friendship that can ultimately to the next relationship. So, that's how to handle a breakup. 

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