How to Get Over a Break Up

How to Get Over a Break Up. It’s a tricky thing and if it’s your first time through, I’ll warn you, it could be rough. Getting over a break up is tough, but if you know exactly how to deal with a break up, you’ll be FAR better off than you were before. So keep reading!

I’ve dealt with this in the past myself, so I know exactly how you may be feeling. You may feel crushed, depressed, unmotivated, and like getting over this break up could simply never happen.

How to Get Over a Break Up

1 - Time heals all wounds

My first clichéd words of comfort is that time heals all wounds. It’s really true. Over time you’ll notice how unimportant most things are, even if right now it seems like the world is crashing down on you. Think about 10 years from now looking back at this moment, how significant will it be then?

2 - You have to make you’re keeping your reality in check

Knowing how to get over a break up properly is essential to moving forward with your life. It’s an issue for a lot of guys, and so lets get right into the two-step process.

A - keep your reality in check

Now, what I mean by that is, you need to return to a realistic view of your former girlfriend. If you’re just leaving what you thought was a great relationship and you still love this girl, you might be thinking something like “I’ll never find a girl like Susie again. Susie was the one. Susie was the only one!!”

Now, I’m not making fun of you because a lot of guys do this, but think about what you’re doing with that statement. “I’ll never find another girl like Susie. Susie was the one.” You’re creating this reality, where you will never find another girl like Susie.

You’re telling yourself you’ll never find the same qualities again or you’ll never find a girl like her again, so of course, you won’t!

By accepting this as true, you’ll be going to be going up to girls and thinking unproductive nonsense like “Yeah she’s got a great body, but she’s not like this. Susie was like this. She’s not like that. Susie was like that.” and suddenly you find yourself in that exact reality, which was entirely self generated.

If you want to know how to get over a break up, you need to realize how dangerously limiting this type of thinking can be. If you accept it as true, you’re actually dooming yourself to live in a loveless reality where you never find a girl who satisfies you like your last one did. So, you have to make you’re keeping your reality in check.

 B - How are we going to do that? Through the abundance mindset!

You’ve got to realize the fact that half the people on this planet are women. That puts at least three billion women on the planet at any given time. Now let’s say 10% of those women are hot. That gives you hundreds of millions of hot women on this planet who could potentially be awesome.

Now say let’s cut it down, worst case scenario 0.2% of women are not only hot but they’re intelligent. They’re funny. They’re what you want. They look the way you want. They act the way you want and they have great personalities which fit all your standards. Let’s say 0.02% of women on earth have that.

That’s still leaves you tens of millions of beautiful, gorgeous, “perfect” women, just as “perfect” as Susie was! I think you can realize there’s going to be other girls out there who could blow Susie away. That’s the most crucial thing to understand. There’s other fish in the sea!

3 -  how to get over a break up? what’s right action? 

Another step of how to get over a break up is the part that this artic focuses on the most, taking right action. Now, what’s right action? You see that cute girl over there? Go talk to her! There she is. There is your potential next amazing girlfriend. Go find out!

So if you have limited mindset, realize the abundance of beautiful, gorgeous, awesome women on this earth and then take right action. Following these steps, you’ll know exactly how to deal with your break up. It’ll be a sting, it won’t ever feel good, but it will expand you.

Now, I’m not telling you to blow off your feelings and ignore the hurt. I’m saying the opposite. Embrace the feelings and grow as a person! Just don’t let it stop you in moving forward with life.

4 - Take your breakup as a lesson

Eventually any thoughts you have about ex-girlfriends will change. When you really stop to think about it, if you guys were perfect for each other, then you would still be together. So take your breakup as a lesson. Use it to learn more about yourself, what you enjoy, and what you want in a woman. You’ll learn more about mankind and relationships

You’ve got to get complete with it. You’ve got to enjoy what it was for what it was, and then you got to realize the abundance of woman out there and take right action! This is exactly how to get over a breakup quickly, while learning from it and taking all the value it can provide.

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