How to Handle a Teenage Breakup

Breaking up hurts. You love and care for someone only to have the relationship end suddenly. You feel shattered and don't know what to do. As much as it hurts, you will get through this. Follow these tips to handle a teenage breakup and get back on your feet.

How to Handle a Teenage Breakup


1 - Believe you will be okay

You're a strong person and you can handle this. It hurts but you'll make it. Just believe in yourself. It seems intense and overwhelming when you are in the middle of a breakup but those feelings will pass with time.

2 - Let it hurt. Let it all out. 

Bottling up your feelings inside will only make things hurt longer. It's normal to feel this way. It will get easier and it's okay to be sad. 

3 - Talk to friends or to a trusted adult

Seek comfort and advice. You don't have to go through this alone. Many people care about you and want to help you.

4 - Comfort yourself

You're hurting and you deserve to be pampered. Give yourself time to grieve. You have suffered a loss.  

5 - Be true to yourself

You may feel like it's your fault and you want to change but you don't need to change. Sometimes people just break up and there's nothing you could do to change that. You're fine just the way you are.

6 - Keep busy

Find new interests after giving yourself time to grieve. Work some extra hours or find a new job. Keeping busy helps time go faster and keeps your mind off your loss.

7 - Treat yourself

Go shopping, see a movie or have a long bubble bath. You deserve something special. Be your own best friend and treat yourself well.

Tips & Warnings

Give yourself time to heal.

Don't blame yourself. You're not a failure. This is a normal part of life.

Get help if you feel depressed for more than a few days.

Get help right away if you have thoughts of hurting yourself.

Stay away from drugs and alcohol. They just make things worse.

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