How to Get Through a Breakup

We're fine tuning our relationship skills today and talking about how to get through a relationship breakup. 

How to Get Through a Breakup

what actually is the best way to deal with a relationship breakup? 

Such input, you really need to get busy, you really need to deal with two things, the pride that you feel, the hurt and also the "void" in your life. The best thing to do is to take stock who you are as an individual, your inventory your skills, your relationship skills and understand what you contributed and what you might not have contributed to the relationship which cause the breakup.

And then from there, build up those relationship skills. Fill in those gaps and therefore, the next time around, the next relationship, you'll be much more positive contributor. So we're building, we're learning, we're honing our skills. 

The next thing that we have to deal with is the "void" in our life. 

We spend, we probably spend Friday, Saturday nights, many times during the week with that particular someone. What do we do with that time? Spend it with our friends, family, those our co-workers, those that will support us. You don't want to be clinging, but also, you just want to make sure that you're engaging with enough people to help you get through the times where you maybe feeling bad or uncomfortable.

 I will suggest that you join association

 there are professional associations, there are sports associations, all sorts of groups that you can attend with common interest. Feel to get out there, meet, network and possibly meet somebody with common interest that you would enjoy, getting to know, which is the first step towards building the next relationship. So, feel good about yourself, filling that void in your life, build yourself up. 

You might want to attend a workshop

relationship workshop, marriage education classes, all these types of education, all good to help you better understand yourself and how you can be a positive contributor, so that you won't have to deal with that relationship breakup.

Getting through a breakup involves filling the void; so, keep as busy as possible. 

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